What is your hair color? Brownish
Eye color? Blue... I think... they change in different lights.
Favorite animal? Cats and rabbits
Do you have any pets? Yes
If so how many and what kind? 2 cats
If you want a pet (or another if you already have one), what would you get? A white rabbit like Livvy has
How tall are you? I'm not sure...
If you could have a real endowment in real life, what would it be? Flying, like Emma.
Do you draw? A lot
Do you play any sports? Nope.
Favorite kind of car? I'm not good with cars... yellow ones??? lol
Phone? My favourite kind or the one I have?
Book? Charlie Bone, duh
Your role model is...? Jenny Nimmo
y=-5/2x-5: what is x? I am not working that out!
Geometry or Algebra? Dunno
Biology or chemistry? Dunno
Spanish or Italian? Spanish, but I like Mario XD
History or geography? Geography!!!!!! As I said before, I hate History.
Creative writing or journalism? Creative!
Red or purple? Purple
Green or blue? ... depends what shade.
Orange or yellow? Yellow
Black or white? White
Silver or pink? Pink is my favourite colour but silver is cool too... so pink, but silver is a close second.
Gold or platinum? Gold for the colour, platinum for how much it's worth.
Bronze or copper? Bronze
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher, but I would like to be an author too.
If you could play an instrument, what would you play? I can play an instrument, I play the piano.
If had a boy, what would you name him? Hmm... I dunno
If you had a girl, what would you name her? Melanie (that is how you spell it, right?)
If you had a dog, what would you name him or her? Depends what kind it was
What about a name for a cat? My cats' names are Milly and Crystal.
A name for a hamster? Depends what it looked like.
A rabbit? Again, depends what it looked like... if it was white I would name it after Livvy's one.
Do you like rabbits? Yes
Coke or Pepsi? They taste the same to me XD
Dr. Pepper or Root beer? Dunno
Sprite or 7 up? They taste the same!
Mountain Dew or Fanta (any)? Mountain dew
Favorite net speak? (lol, brb, g2g, etc.) lol
Favorite number? 9
Lucky number, if not favorite? Still 9
Manicure (on your hands) or pedicure (feet)? Manicure (by the way, I know what they are XD)
Favorite hair style? No idea
Favorite perfume? No idea
Ocean or lake? I like the word Ocean so, yeah, ocean.
The name 'Luke' or 'William'? Both!
The name 'Allia or Julliette'? Julliette
The name 'Daniel' or 'Henry'? Daniel
The name 'Courtney' or 'Sandra'? I don't really like either
The name 'Jessica' or 'Julie'? Jessica
The name 'Trey' or 'Logan'? Logan
The name 'Stephanie' or 'Aline'? Stephanie
The name 'Bruno' or 'Teo'? Teo
The name 'Alicia' or 'Noel'? Both
Is this longer than the first one? Yes
Are you tired of answering questions? Kinda
Do you like to answer questions like these? The ones I just did or the ones you're about to do?
Would you do another one of these or take a test in school? Another one of these unless it was an art test where we had to draw anime/manga
How are you right now? Pretty good
Turkey or ham? Definitely turkey
Earthquakes or tsunamis? If the tsunami had anything to do with Daggie then tsunamis.
Tornadoes or volcanoes? Niether of them are nice but volcanoes have pretty colours
Wind or water? Water
Fire or earth? It depends what I have to do with it.
Favorite element? Out of fire, water, air and earth? Water
Did you know you're only half way through? What?!
What do you like to draw? Anime/manga
If you have three apples and a thief comes up to you and takes two....? I would call Manfred Bloor up
Did you subtract? No...
If I were you I'd whack the thief upside his head, you know? Ok...
Didn't see that one coming, did you? I'm not sure...
Well...maybe I might run out of questions... good!
Oh, wait, never mind! Got your hopes up, did I now? ...
How many fingers do you have? (lame, I know) Not including thumbs, 8
And toes? (ditto) 10
Have you ever stubbed your toe before? Yes
Did it hurt? *sarcasm* No, of course it didn't!
How bad? Pretty bad
How did that happen? I can't remember but I know I hit it on a stool
Ouch. Yes
Has your pencil ever snap in the middle of a test? Yes
Does that annoy you? No, I had a spare one.
What if your pen leaked through a piece of paper? Would that suck too? Yes
How do you feel about going to sleep early? Depends how tired I was.
And how about going to sleep pretty late? Again, depends how tired.
Would you have school all year round? Without holidays? No!
Why? Because I like holidays
Basketball or soccer? Basketball
Volleyball of softball? Volleyball
Baseball or tennis? Tennis
Swim or track? Swim
Cross country or golf? Golf... don't tell Larissa!
Do you like to run? NO!!! I hate that even more than history!
How about if you were being chased? If it was by Manfred or Asa, I'd be cool with that XD
Would that make things more fun? A lot more
Is this getting pretty long? Yes
I can't wait to see your answers, you know? Well you'll have to wait a while!
This is fun. Are you having fun? It's getting less and less fun as go down the list
I think I beat my record a long time ago, what do you think? I think you did
I think so too! Great minds think alike
Italian food or Chinese? Italian
Mexican or plain ole American? Mexican
How about Swedish? I don't know
I don't know what special food they have either, do you? Nope
Probably not, huh? Nope
Lipstick or lipgloss? Lipgloss
Mascara or eyeliner? Eyeliner
Google or Yahoo? Google
University or college? At what age?
Do you know the difference between two and two? Yes, one is before the "and" and one is after XD
Robes or cloaks? Dunno
Roses or petunias? Dunno
Daisies or violets? Violets, but the only problem is you can't make daisy chains out of them.
If your dream guy shows up, what would he say to you? Er... "I love you" obviously XD
Oranges or apples? Apples
Kiwis or papayas? Kiwis
Have you ever eaten jackfruit before? No
How about durian fruit? No
Fruit or vegetables? Fruit
1234567.... 8
Greek mythology or Roman mythology? That's hard... greek
Myths of legends? They're pretty much the same thing
Non fiction or fiction? Fiction, duh
Fantasy or realistic? Fantasy, but I like Cathy Cassidy
How about both? That works
Mystery or scary? Mystery
Comedy or adventure? Er...
Both? Yeah
Romance or action? A bit of both
Do you like more violent adventure stories or subtle ones? Subtle
Do you like VERY romantic stories or somewhat romantic? Somewhat romanitc
Comedy that is making you laugh constantly or every once in a while so you can actually breathe? It depends what it is, the second option for a film but the first one for a comedy show.
Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black? (O.O Hard, huh?) Very, erm... I really can't choose.
Did you know Justin B. came from Canada? Seriously?????
I didn't know that. Me niether
Tired? Yup
Haha! No I'm kidding, we're almost done, just hang in for a few seconds. Or minutes, whichever one.
Books or stories online? Books
Computer or laptop? Laptop
iPhone or Android? iPhone
MP3 or iPod? iPod
Bicycles or skates? Rollerskating or Ice-skating?
Snowboaarding or skiing? I haven't done either.
Christmas or Halloween? CHRISTMAS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite candy? No idea
Favorite holiday? A villar in Spain with a pool mmmmm... nice...
Your birthday doesn't count you know. Yeah, I wish it does too. T.T Oh
Valentine's Day: love or hate? Can I say like?
Do you hate it when you microwave something and it still has cold spots? Yes
I hate that too.
Guess what? What?
You're done! Yay!
Congrats! Thank you!
WOOT! Uh huh!
YAY!!!!!! Ok, don't ruin it.
Impressive, huh? I bet your mind exploded. Almost!
Well, I'll let you go. Phew!
For now... Ohhh!!!
Lol, you have to love the power of copy and paste! I really do.